Stefan Dürmeier – Makroökonomische Forschung und Mathematik Nachhilfe (Macroeconomic Research and Mathematics Tutoring)


A VAR Model for Testing the Inflation Expectations of Japanese Households around the COVID-19 Pandemic

Eingereicht, Version Oktober 2024. Link

Fiscal and Monetary Responses to the Demographic Change in Germany

Eingereicht, Version August 2024. Link

Vorige Version März 2024. Link

Inflation Expectations in Japan and Germany around the COVID-19 Pandemic

Gastforscheraufenthalt Osaka Metropolitan University. Mimeo.

A Model of Government Bond Purchases at the Zero Lower Bound

Bamberg Economic Research Group Working Paper No. 183. Link

A VAR Analysis on the Phillips Curve in the Eurozone, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, in Aggregate and Sector Specific

ING Bank. Mimeo.

Model simulations of fiscal policies under a balanced budget rule and total expenditures kept constant by public investment after a rise in sovereign debt

Gastforscheraufenthalt Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Institute of Applied Economic Research). Interne Analyse.

A Model with Bank Lending and the US Housing Bubble in the Financial Crisis 2007/2008

Mimeo. Die Arbeit ist lizenziert unter CC BY 4.0. Download